Yesterday this came through the letterbox, now when I signed up to H&M online
I assumed I'd be being sent the instore magazine, not a catalogue which
this is. It came with sheets to place your order on and send to them. Personally
I feel this makes them more like Next and La Redoute which I'm not a big fan of
as they take the fun out of shopping. There's no rushing around a store or
trying to find a bargain on the internet. You can just flip through while
having a coffee... BORING!
The cover also confused me they're selling clothes right? Well then why
does the cover suggest it's more make up, which incidentally they do
but isn't in the catalogue. Perhaps they are trying to sell a lifestyle but then
they could have used a picture with a couple of people which would still give
across the same message. ANyway enough ranting, after looking through I
found a few things I liked but I will not be ordering from the catalogue.
Personally internet or store shopping is far more my thing, just as well they
do both of those!
[Photos by moi, no copying, editing, using or re-distributing without permission, thanks]
[Photos by moi, no copying, editing, using or re-distributing without permission, thanks]
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