Yesterday afternoon I went for a wander round the shops as I've been lusting after a leather jacket for ages. It just seems like the perfect piece to throw on top of an outfit and would keep me a tad warmer- I'm in protest, I refuse to wear a winter coat yet!
After going into Zara, Topshop, Next and Miss Selfridge I came to the realisation that they just don't work on me and admitted defeat. For one thing they don't fit properly, if they fight my shoulders they don't fit my waist and vice-versa, and I refuse to buy a coat I can't do up properly. So what to do? Well a leather jacket clearly isn't meant to be but I still need something to keep me warmer until I admit defeat and dredge out the winter coat. Then walking around I kept seeing gillets... everywhere! Which was when I spotted the one above in Next. It's so perfect and it fits! Really cosy, faux sheepskin with a hood.
Perfection. Problem solved.
Now all I need is my student loan...
Definitely agree about them fitting a bit dodgy I can't find any either but will most certainly be checking out the one from Oasis.. what's with all the side zips though, it just means they hang a bit funny when they're not zipped up!